Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/joobi/public_html/components/com_easyblog/views/categories/view.html.php on line 158

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/joobi/public_html/plugins/system/t3/includes/joomla4/Pagination.php on line 134

jMarket: advance social sharing, send to friend and more

A new version of jMarket has been released. Some of the key new features in this release include:

  • Advance social sharing with JomSocial

All store activity will automatically renders a title, description and preview image in your JomSocial wall to make your social ecommerce experience even more meaningful.

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jNews 8.1.x Security Release

We just released a new version of jNews: 8.1.x. It is important that you update to this version, as it fix a potential cross-site scripting (XSS) security vulnerability that has been identified in one of the library we use: Open Flash Chart. This library is used  to show graphical statistics in the jNews.

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jMarket 3.4.57 quick update

This is a quick update for the issues that were reported from the last 3 weeks. There are some new notable features and improvements in this update that you can utilize. We will do an official newsletter to everyone in the coming week with exhaustive list of features.

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r.php and ws.php files, SQL Injection or Not?

Some people have reported a SQL injection vulnerability for jLinks r.php and ws.php file. <?php $_REQUEST["option"]="com_jlinks";$_REQUEST["controller"]="redirect";$_REQUEST["link"]=$_REQUEST["l"];include("index.php"); We want to inform everyone that this is NOT a SQL injection, and here is why? First all this file does is do a soft redirect with a shorter URL.Anyone with some PHP knowledge will realize that:This is a hard coded string, not variable here so no injection: $_REQUEST["option"]="com_jlinks";This is a hard coded string, not variable here so no injection: $_REQUEST["controller"]="redirect";This $_REQUEST["link"]=$_REQUEST["l"], simply takes the value of one $_REQUEST and put it into another one, again for simplicity of URL.All variables ( option, controller, redirect) ARE filtered afterward when read and used. The reason why a crawler or other people might say that it is...
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Joobi Welcomes Joomla 3.1

We have been testing Joomla 3.1 with jNews and all Joobi Applications and we have not found any compatibility issue.This means that all current users of jNews 8.0 and jCenter 2.3 can update their website to Joomla 3.1 without problems. You don't need to update your Applications, the current version works just fine. For some reason you find issue using Joomla 3.1 environment please submit a ticket with the following subject "Joomla 3.1 -Issue Title-".
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