Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/joobi/public_html/components/com_easyblog/views/categories/view.html.php on line 158

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/joobi/public_html/plugins/system/t3/includes/joomla4/Pagination.php on line 134

jMarket 3.20.16 quick update

This is a quick update to address last week customer reports (December 19-16). Please remember, that there were no new features added but just all bugs fixes and improvements in the code. Popup conflict with Joomla 3 and responsive template. -> this also fix the problem of windows not poping up in the frontend with Joomla 3.0 and above Vendors registration issue, where the vendor role was not added to the user and therefore the user could not access their vendor area. This problem was introduce in the last release last week and it is now fixed. Improvements on the vendors map Fix a potential issue with the cookie for jAffiliates. Fixed potential SEF issue with the link to the cart. If...
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Compliance to Joomla GPL standard

Today we made a minor release on all our applications. No new features we simply change the way the licensing works to be compliant with Joomla GPL standard. So now an API key is only required to do an automatic update.For all existing customer there is no changes as you already have an API key.  
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12 days of Christmas Gift

The year 2013 has been a full out sprint for us at Joobi and it's been a really productive.


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jMarket 3.20 released: All about search

Over the past 3 weeks we have been hard at work on the next version of jMarket and other new Applications coming up. This release is primarily focused on catalog search and feature enhancements to prepare the ground for the coming major release of Joobi Applications.



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Meet jDefender: Visitor Analysis and Security Extension for Your Joomla Website

We are happy to announce a new application to add in to our business solution: jDefender.

jdefender banner 700

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