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[April Release] New features and bug fixes. Visit this article to see the complete changelog.

[New App—Beta Ready] jNewsletters is now ready for Beta Testing. jNewsletter is a Free newsletter app to replace jNews Free. If you'd like to help us beta test click here to participate.

[Template Update] Marktplatz 3.1.17 update. Visit the changelog.

Paypal Adaptive payments handles payments between a sender of a payment and one or more receivers of the payment. You are an application owner, such as a merchant that owns an online store.

jMarket takes full advantage of PayPal Adaptive allowing you to automatically collect payments from customers and distribute them to multiple individual.

Paypal Adaptive Payment Options

Simple payments

A simple one-to-one payment. A single payment from a sender being delivered to a single receiver.

Chained payments

Send a payment to one individual, who in turn shares the payment with multiple individuals or affiliates in one payment.

Chained payment mean there is a primary receiver who receive the entire sum of money and then a payment is made automatically to the other "secondary" receivers.

The buyers see only one payment at checkout and do not know that the payment is "split" into other receivers, like vendors or affiliates.

Whoever is the primary receiver is liable for the payment of the buyers.

Parallel payment

Enables you to make payment to multiple receivers ( Store Manager, Vendor, Affilliates, etc…). There is no primary receiver so each receiver get is share and his liable for that payment.

Each receiver is responsible for its own payment.

The buyer knows that the payment has been split and know each receiver. In the buyer Paypal account each receiver among will appear as a different payment.

adaptive payment


Store Admin

  1. Verified Paypal Business Account
  2. API username, Password and Signature provided by Paypal
  3. Fully Approved Application ID (not conditionally approved)


  1. Verified Paypal Account

Step 1 Setup Adaptive Payments

  1. From the admin panel, navigate to jMarket >> Orders >> Cart Preferences
  2. Under "Vendors" section, select the following;
  3. Payment To >> Store Manager
  4. Payment Type >> Chained (Split) or Parallel
  5. Primary Receiver >> Store manager or Vendor

Select "Store Manaager" if you want the store admin will receive the payment manualy or automatically using Paypal Adaptive Payments.
Select "Vendor" if you want your vendors to setup their own Payment System
Select "Manager as Default" if you want your vendors to setup their own Payment System but if they do not create a payment gateway, store admin default payment will be used. This means that the store admin will receive the payment.
Select "Either One" if you want store vendors to have the option to create their own payments or use the store admin default payment.

Step 2 Request API signature from Paypal

  1. Log in to your PayPal Business account.
  2. Click the My Account tab > Profile
  3. Click the Profile tab. If you haven't already done so, you need to verify your account before requesting API credentials.
  4. Go to My Selling Tools >> click the Update (API Access) link
  5. Click Set up PayPal API credentials and permissions under Option 2.
  6. Click Request API Credentials.
  7. Click Request API signature.
  8. Click Agree and Submit.
  9. Copy and paste the API username, password, and signature into your Paypal payment edit screen in jMarket.




Step 3 Apply for Application ID

Things you need to get approved fast

  • Do not mix up information

Remember you are applying for Split payment of Commission. Do Not mix it up with your Subscription model if you are using it in your store, this will confused Paypal's reviewer.

  • Provide them the link to your vendor test product so they can perform the buying process
  • Provide them a working user account they can use to buy your product and as a vendor
  • Working link where they can login
  • Your site need to be live with no restriction to access it
  • Do Not write your entire business model, only explain the buying of products, commission workflow and what to expect as clear as possible.
  • Simulate the checkout process without errors to avoid long delay.
  • Follow the exact instruction below, if you are unsure leave them empty.
  • Click the New App menu on the left navigation.


  • Fill in all information that describe what your system does. Paypal want to try the API to validate it in some case. Make sure to provide the correct informations.




Note: Explain only the buying of products and commission process between Buyer to admin & vendor.
If you are using Subscription, please do not include it in the description that will only confuse Paypal reviewers.

Test URL: This is the url of your website.
Supply Test Account Name and Password: Create a user test account may be a user called Paypal Testing. Provide them with the a link where they can login and the link to your product they need to buy.

Note: If you use jSubscription to restrict vendors, disable it while Paypal is reviewing your application.

  • Step-bystep Payment Flows Instructions: Create a step by step guide how they can checkout your product for testing. (sample below image.)


Final Note

  • After submission, your APP ID status is "Conditionally Approved". However it does not grant you the access to use Paypal Chained Payments. You need an "Approved" APP ID to use the live API, otherwise it won't work.
  • Sandbox environment does not need an APP ID.


Friendly Reminder

  • We are unable to provide 24/7 customer support. Support schedule and availability is listed above.
  • For technical issues, we cannot extend our support for users who cannot provide necessary site credentials in order for us to help resolve your issue.
  • We Do Not provide support via email, Facebook, or Twitter.
  • We are unable to do the UPDATE for you if you are updating from an older version (2 versions or more behind). Keeping your site Applications up-to-date all the time is your sole responsibility, while we work hard to provide a constant and timely update to all Joobi Apps.

Delayed Support?

In general, you can expect a response within 24-48 hours for most issues within our scope. However there are still rare occasions where the delay in support is inevitable. If you do not hear from us for over 48 hours, you can follow-up by bumping the live-chat with your ticket number.

Expired Membership?

We do not guarantee any reply for members with an expired membership. We either close your ticket without notification or recommend that you renew your subscription.

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